Whoda guessed?

by Gary Taylor
(Aguanga, CA )

Whoda guessed?...finding an hours worth of net exploration on a sleepless morning, I mean. Family is considering a ranch purchase in the area. For the heck of it, Googled Glade Park and found this rather extraordinary site. More info than I really need to know, but sure did grant me some new ideas and a broad smile.

My hat is off the the designer and maintainer of the site. It is a very high level of community service. Since there seems no current news, this may be a site in limbo, but if anyone's catching this, it would be nice to hear a howdy, possibly get a question or two answered...maybe even prod me into a visit and a cup of coffee with a new friend.

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Sep 18, 2011
Glade Glad...almost
by: Anonymous

Car loaded with homeschool material, three teaching CDS, a couple inspirational ones (we're a family of serious practicing Christians) gassed up and...and...DANG! Glad for Glade but not heading there with two grandkids as planned today. Couldn't reach the real estate broker for my last minute plan to head there from mid-Utah. Maybe in the next couple of days. Thanks for the responses which I didn't discover 'til yesterday. So, I'll give that "holler" and see if I can connect with real people who live where we may.

Sep 01, 2011
Shout out to California-Whooda guessed?!
by: Lynn Grose

Glad you enjoyed the site. Deb does do a great job of keeping up with the happenings on the hill and we are lucky to have her! I live here on "the Park" as did my grandparents who homesteaded here. My hubby and I work here at our home so its a great place to work as well! Holler if I can help answer some questions for you about the area or even the valley. Not happy you had a sleepless night, but glad you stumbled on Glade Park!

Lynn Grose
Glade park

Aug 31, 2011
Limbo no mo!
by: Deb Moorland

Glade Park blog is the place that all the activity on GladePark.com shows up. As will see, we have things going on.

Glad you enjoyed it! :)

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