what happened to the walking man? 6/24/2010

by Kim Upson
(Glade Park)

Has anyone noticed that the man who used to walk along Monument Rd. for so many years is gone? He has lived in a cave and obviously is not like most of us, but now seems to be gone.

If you know, please leave a note and tell us what's happened. He really was a sad individual and I know people would leave him sleeping bags and clothes and such.

I hope he's okay wherever he is.

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Aug 29, 2010
Has anyone checked the cave?
by: Anonymous

One has to wonder if he is passed away in his cave.

Jul 12, 2010
Man living in Cave
by: Terry

Last time I saw him was probably a year ago. He was living in a cave above Mariposa Drive. I tried to giver him a warm leather jacket but he wouldn't take. I left it on the side of the road where I had met him, but it was still there a few days later.

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