Wedding?? 3/4/11

by Melissa
(Grand Junction, CO)

Me and my fiance (Brad)

Me and my fiance (Brad)

I was wondering if there were any neat outdoor places in glade park (where i've grown up camping and hiking in)that would accomadate 100 people for me and my fiance?! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to get married up in gladepark!
Melissa W.

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Sep 11, 2015
good post NEW
by: Kurt8

You want to organize wedding ceremony in Glade park which is very popular park in this area. The site's admin share a link which help to book the place for wedding. Because this post is old then i hope you would enjoy that wedding there. Please share some images here of your wedding. if you don't have problems. However, I want to find top essay services but like to read your wedding ceremony.

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Jul 24, 2015
Amazing NEW
by: Bhola

Glade park is a great place to marry and yes Glade park have a lot of clean space to held such event. Infect, Deb! have given you idea with the link where you can get more detail about that park. I hope your marriage become remember able and enjoyable for you and your Fiance. I'm happy for you and try to arrange my marriage at that park. any way, Now i'm finding a top rated writer and i must pay to write a research paper and hope i will find it very soon.

Mar 30, 2011
Congrats! Here is an idea...
by: Deb

There is one outdoor venue that really fills the bill. It has a podium and small stadium type seating for meetings and services. See directions below.

Go to this page(address below), and scroll down to "Fruita Picnic Area" That is what the Forest Service calls it. The old timers call it the Ranger Station Campground. You will find contact information. Groups of more than 75 are supposed to get a permit, and of course you would want to have a reservation for a wedding.
or on the Navigation bar click Outdoor Pursuits, scroll down to Camping link, scroll down to Fruita Picnic Area.

Best wishes -

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