Old-Time Residents of Glade Park

by Ernie Milner
(Provo, Utah)

Hello. My name is Ernie Milner and I am a descendent of older residents of Glade Park. I have photos my mother left that show Glade Park in the 20s and 30s. My mother was Eloise Newton, her sister was Elaine and their step father was Bob Short. From what I know of the family he ran cattle on the mesa. I have some photos with Bob Short and some others with some names attached to the photos. I am sorry that I don't know any of the family myself but if any one out there does please let me know. I will need to scan the photos to send when needed.
Please, if anyone can remember Mr. Short or his family I would love to be contacted.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Ernie Milner, Provo, Utah

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Oct 28, 2015
good post NEW
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You shared good moments when your residents near to glade park. After read this post i feel that you miss so much glade park. I think you're luck that you spend a lot of time in Glade park and very few people have such opportunity and you're one of those people. I must say that this website is good to know about that park.

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