Mountain Lion Cubs,Sept. 11, 2011

by Kim Upson
(Glade Park)

Last week as I was driving home on DS Rd., I was startled to see three mountain lion cubs on the side of the road. They were startled to see me too and froze for a minute to assess the situation. Two of them crossed in front of me, I had stopped, and the third climbed up the hill and ducked in to a small hidey hole and disappeared.

These guys were still fairly small, a little bigger than a bob cat,and they had spots sort of like an ocelot.

What a marvelous surprise; also a conflicting experience knowing they will be a threat to livestock and even humans
eventually. I wouldn't want to meet up with one of them in the wild for certain. Last spring we saw big lion tracks around our creek and discussed carrying a side arm.

Be that as it may, for now, I'm thrilled at having had the chance to see these beautiful creatures and hope they stay out of sight and out of trouble.

Comments for Mountain Lion Cubs,Sept. 11, 2011

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Nov 07, 2015
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

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Sep 02, 2015
Good NEW
by: Robert Nelson

Looks very scary and i would say you are lucky to see this little cubs in front of you, that was really amazing,however essay writing help to get correction in studies.

May 15, 2012
mountain lion cubs
by: breanna

oh my goodness how sad what did you do with them?

Sep 11, 2011
Be glad you were not on foot or horseback
by: Anonymous

Cool siting! Wish you would have had a camera handy. It is likely that momma lion was there in the brush ready to pounce on anyone getting too close to her brood. Most horses would have stampeded,and being on foot would have put you in a risky situation. Appears you had the best vantage point from the safety of a car.

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