Lets work on getting DSL high-speed internet up here. 10-14-09

by Paul Todd
(Glade Park)

I have a petition in the post office getting DSL high-speed internet up here. We need as many names on there for this to work. When i have as many name as i can. I will send as copy's to Qwest in different departments and even to our state reps. PLEASE spread the word!!! Sign the petition even if you don't want it, it will be not cost to you.
Thanks, Paul Todd
My e-mail is sopjih69@yahoo.com

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Oct 19, 2015
good post NEW
by: best essay sites

It's good news that DSL high speed Internet work in the Glad park. So whenever an event organize at glad park people enjoy the decoration, dinner and Internet as well. Now World become very fast and people want Internet in every where and the speed of that internet must be good. Because low speed of Internet is useless. Infect, it cause of frustration and nothing else.

Oct 25, 2009
All for one and one for all.
by: Deb Moorland

There is an area around the Glade Park Store that has DSL. I have it. I assume you have checked to see if you are in that area. It would be nice for everyone to have it!

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