Carpe diem...sieze the day...
Glade Park & Pinon Mesa
The Ole' Spiral Notebook
Memories, Info & Opinions
Someday this may be a live chat room, if participation grows. But for now, just pretend you are leavin' a note in that old spiral notebook we use for a journal at the cabin. Whoever comes along can read what others wrote, and add their own 2 cents. If you want to reply to what someone else wrote, address it to them, and I will pass it along. This ain't high speed, but that gets tiresome anyway, don't it?
This forum is in chronological order, so to get to the latest entry... scroll, scroll, scroll.
January 17, 07 - Thanks for putting together this site. It really brings Glade Park into the 21st century! This is also a great place to post information about what is going on in Glade Park, progress on the post office situation, community meetings and more. Great idea!
Ann Landman
Glade Park, CO
March 19, 07 - My name is Ron Rhyne, I lived and worked on Glade Park for a number of years and my family has been been involved with Glade Park since 1910. My grandpa, Curtis Rhyne is one of the last "old timers" left. I now live in Wyoming and miss "home", this website is great for me to be able to keep in touch. You are doing a great job! Do you plan on a webcam anytime soon? how about a photo gallery? I assume that you are related to Erma Moreland,tell her Ron said hello. When I worked at Mnt.Island I gave her some photos I took of some tree carvings made by Bill and her years ago.
Keep up the good work!
Ron Rhyne
Cora, Wyo
March 25,07 -
I was glad to hear from you. We have met before, when you spent July 4th with our clan at the Collier/Westcott cabin on Pinon Mesa. I also remember you getting the pictures of the quakie art to Mom. I told her you said hi. One of those, with a horse head, was my own work! That meant a lot to us. A few years ago Belle took us up to Pinon Mesa to see our old stomping grounds. We actually tried to find the trees you had photographed, but couldn’t remember where they were. We thought they were over where we put the cows in at what we called the "Morse Pasture," but did not find them there.
We have been visiting with Curtis about Glade Park history. He and Ann seem to be doing well, though I think he misses being at the store on Thursdays. Betty Ann Morse has been collecting Glade Park history, obituaries, and anything Glade Park for many years. Mom and I, and Margaret Rhoem are helping her write a history of Glade Park. We hope to at least get the names right! I thought Curtis was a real good sport about it! I will be calling him to schedule another interview, and look forward to telling them I heard from you. Thanks for your interest in By the way, how did you hear about it? It is still so buried in the search engines, I doubt if you found it in a regular search for "Glade Park." Thanks for the ideas too. This is certainly a work in progress.
Deb Moorland
March 30, 07 -
Hi Deb
Thanks for the reply! How are things on the Park? I think I remember meeting you now that you mention the 4th of July. Sometime when I make it back and if Belle will allow, I can show you right where those carving are. They are down the drainage from the Domingo cabin about one mile. I am so glad to hear that someone who "knows" the park and its people is writing a history, at times I wonder about some of the so-called historians around that fail to talk to the old timers and people that actually know what and when! I have just read parts of the book that mentions "Curtis Rhoem". I am waiting for my copy in the mail so I read parts of my grandads copy.
I know my grandad misses the park badly but he felt that the driving was getting too difficult, which is best, but I do wish he could spend more time up there. He loves that mountain more than I think most can understand and I hope this summer he can go to his cabin and spend some time.
You asked how I found you, well I subscribe to the GPCS news letter and they mentioned your website so I couldn't wait to check it out, and I have to say that I was impressed! I really hope you get a web cam going, and it would be nice to have it at the store so a person could see the goings on. A "picture gallery" would also be a nice addition to the website and the name seems to fit the park well! These are just suggestions, take them at that and if you don't do either that's fine, this is still the best website about the park.
Again,thanks for the email, it was great to hear from you!
Good luck,
Ron Rhyne
Cora, Wyoming
May 9, 07 -
Thanks for making this website possible. It just keeps getting better and better! I spent yesterday afternoon reading the paper on the conflict between Glade Park residents and the Monument over use of the road. Very well done. I had heard the story, of course, but not the many details. Is it possible to get a hard copy of the Monument conflict story?
Also, I have quite a few old pictures of the post office, store, etc., I have a scanner but don't know how to upload them. Please contact me if you want to include them in the photo gallery.
Theresa Jansse
Glade Park, CO
May 11, 07 -Theresa,
Glad you enjoyed the “The Classic Western Quarrel.” ( those who have not read it, go to the Glade Park Library and scroll down to it.) You should be able to hit “Print” and print out a copy of it. I did, and it was 150 pages. I put it in a ring binder, so I have been able to share it with some old timers, like Curtis Rhyne, who do not have computers. It would be great to get the old pictures of the store. What I would like to do is put them on the Glade Park Store page, and provide a link to it from the Photo Album page. If I could take them for a day, I will handle the whole thing, and get them back to you safe and sound. By the way, I am going to change the name of that page to “Picture Gallery,” which was suggested by Ron Rhyne, in reference to the Picture Gallery Ranch. I noticed you also used the word “gallery.” Thanks for your input. It is that kind of participation that will take to the next level. Thanks,
Deb Moorland
May 10, 07 - I have been up to glade park only a hand full of times since I have lived in Fruita. But I love the idea of the movie night under the stars. My question is when is fishing going to open on glade park? When will we be able 2 get to the lakes if not already?
Mike Prokopy
Fruita, CO
May 11, 07 - Mike,
Glade to hear from you (It was a typo, but decided it fit). Movie time is not that far away. As for the fishing, it just depends on how fast the mud and snow dry up enough to make the roads passable on Pinon Mesa. I have seen years when there were some sizable mud holes on July 4th. Has anyone out there tried to see how far up the hill they can get? Work is in progress on a Hunting, Fishing and Recreation page that should be up soon. I am collecting info from BLM, Forest Service, Division of Wildlife, and City of Fruita (on Enoch Lake and their reservoirs), so watch for that. Thanks for checking in,
Deb Moorland
May 22, 2007 Hi Deb,
I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm sure you remember my family. My Grandpa "Al Norris", my mom and dad "Sherron and Len Walton" would bring us up to help on occasion with branding cows on the Moorland Ranch. I was very young and only sat on the fence to watch. Erma would spoil me with milk and cookies. I have a lot of good memories of Glade Park. I always wanted to live on Glade Park and finally made the move a few years ago. My goal is to live higher on Pinyon Mesa up in the aspens. Grandpa had a lot of stories about the "sheep and cattle wars" and "water wars" so he called them. He even spoke about helping Bill build an old jeep road from the ranch up to the top of fish park. Knowing Grandpa it was probably a small horse trail they built and the jeep barely fit on it. He also talked of the cattle drives your family did to move the cattle to the triangle for the winter. I'm hoping you will post some pictures of that history.
For a fishing note and travel conditions; Enoch was nearly totally drained last fall for what appeared to be damn repair. I'm not sure if they re-stocked the lake. If not, then there won't be much fish to catch. The water level is continuing to rise but not near as full as we are used to seeing. Fishing at Fruita 2 is slow but I caught a couple last week. Fruita 1 is still very slow and haven't had luck there since they repaired the damn a few years ago. As of 2 days ago the gate was still closed at the bottom for vehicle access to Fruita 1. Fruita 3 seems to have the most action for now, but that may change depending on what bait I try at Fruita 2. There are only a few mud holes in spots but not bad ones. The road to Enoch, Fruita 2 and Fruita 3 are passable and mostly dry. The road up over the top is passable too after a bit of chain saw work by my partner and I. There were a few trees that fell across the road. There is one tree that is still needing a bit more chain saw action on top of the hill to make it a 2 lane road. We were limited on chain saw fuel after cutting the downed trees off of ridge trail. We have been clearing that trail for the last 3 years to prevent the 4 wheelers from making new roads up there. The saddest moments of my 2-3 day a week excursions is that I have to pick up trash from the messy ones that must feel that their trash will vanish on its own. Maybe someday they will understand the statement "pack it in, pack it out". As for the wildlife; There are many Turkeys around and the Toms and Jakes are still gobbling. Turkey season ended but it was fun while it lasted! The large elk herds are near, if you go to the right spots to see them. Angies secret ;) Some of the cows are ready to drop their calves at any time. I've spotted a few bears too. The deer are plentiful as usual and some of the does are with fawns. That’s all my news for now. You have done a good job on the web site. Keep up the good work! Happy trails!
Angie Bowker
Glade Park, CO
Of course I know who you are! The “Norris bunch” brought a lot of fun to branding day, hunting, or anytime they showed up. Dear friends. Your grandpa Allen’s funeral was a sad occasion, and yet the get-together out at the house afterward was awesome. The informal, personal eulogies were a testimony to the person he was. When Elsie asked for a show of hands on how many people there had been hunting, fishing or camping with him, almost everyone in a rather large gathering raised their hands. I am sure he had a lot to do with instilling your love of the outdoors. The “Deer Roping” story (on the Local Wisdom page), is reminiscent of a similar incident he was involved in. He had fun with life, then had fun again retelling it. Thanks so much for the great input on conditions on Piñon Mesa. You are right about Enoch Lake. The City of Fruita has informed me that they did drain the lake to repair the dam. They were not sure whether it had been restocked, but thought DOW would probably wait till it had refilled further. We are all indebted to you for the chain saw and trash duty. I hope others will follow your lead and be willing to make a contribution to clearing and using existing trails, and packing out their trash.
Deb Moorland
5-22-07 Hi, I must be speaking to Debbie Moorland. I was just sent your Glade Park site from my daughter Angie Bowker. She lives on Glade Park. She is quite the outdoors woman, and reads anything she can get a hold of on Glade Park history. She first developed an interest of Glade Park from those many visits to your home ranch when she was a little girl. Those were the times when the Norris/Walton families would make our annual trek on Memorial Day weekend to help brand calves at the Moorland's Ranch. I have several old 8mm movies of some of those infamous weekends. Well, it definitely in grained in her the love of nature and cows/horses, deer and all other critters. In reading through some of your site information, I ran across the story of the guy roping a deer, and got a pretty good chuckle. Reminded me of the time that my dad, Allen Norris, brother Butch and husband Len, tackled a deer that happened to be inside of a corral, along side the road on the way to Douglas Pass. They thought, "Hey, lets see if we can tackle that deer and bring him home". The wrestling match they had was very similar to the one in your story. The 3 of them did actually manage to over power that deer, but not with out nearly getting beat to death from hooves. Well, Debbie, I just wanted to say Hello, and good luck with your site. I will look forward to reading what you have posted...Tell your momma, hello from Sherron......... Oh, by the way, I talked to a guy Named Charlie Fix, who grew up on Glade Park and his mother was a school teacher around the same time that your grandmother was. He did remember the name of Katherine Wescott. He has some early memories of Glade Park too. His sister, Mary, lives in Unaweep canyon and is the mother of Clayton(Attorney) and Ron (Grand Junction Concrete&Pipe) Tipping. I would think that they would have some interesting pictures too.
Sherron Walton
Glade Park, CO
Sherron, Good to hear from you. As you can see from the previous posting, Angie also checked in. We did have some great times with you guys. In regard to the deer story, when it was first forwarded to me, I sent it on to brother Ron, and said, this sounds like something Norris's would have done. He agreed. It was a little later that I remembered that something similar actually did happen (however it was many, many years ago, and I am sure the statute of limitations for deer wrestling has run out.) Your guys were probably trying to apply their early calf-flanking techniques- which were more like professional wrestling holds. They got better at it, but then it wasn't as much fun to watch. We need to get together and watch some old movies! Thanks for the tip on the Tippings! We have not talked to them yet!
Deb Moorland
5-22-07 Deb
My granddad told me that you stopped by to visit him and gather info on your book. He has numerous photos that might interest you. You might have to go to his place to help go through the albums, but I'm sure he would loan them to you if he knows he'll get them back. They have many photos including Charlie Glass and most of the families that live or lived on the Park. Although I live a long ways away, if I can be of any assistance please let me know.
Ron Rhyne
Cora, Wyo
Yes, we have interviewed Curtis twice. We looked at some pictures the first time. I had heard that your grandmother Ann had a good picture of Charlie Glass, which she is rightfully protective of. She also showed us pictures of her father, Emp Dennis, who worked with Charlie on the S Cross. It seems that, like Curtis, authors have been prone to get his name wrong. He was called Emp DAVIS in "Riding Old Trails," and also in the book on Gateway. My uncle J.T. Loveridge remembers him, and his "good looking daughters." It sounds like we need to make another trip to look at pictures. Sometimes people are understandably reluctant to loan them to be copied. Actually we need to scan them at 300 dpi. Thanks for the offer to help. If you have any you want to email, send them to
Deb Moorland
May 27, 07 - Congratulations to Glade Park's 2007 High Scool Graduates!
(sorry if I left anyone out):
Chasity Drury
Donald Flynn
Raeann Foster
Andrew Karsten
Jessi Seim
Molly Seim
and Haley Zlomke
Theresa Janssen
Glade Park, CO
June 4,07 - Sad to say a neighbor who lives on North 16 1/2 Road has been repeatedly stealing our flag. Please be on the lookout for a home-grown thief right in our neighborhood north of the store.
Also, we'd like to urge the organizers of the Movies Under the Stars to support local businesses by purchasing all the food and supplies needed for the event at locally-owned businesses. Sam's Club or Wal Mart are enticing because they're so cheap, but money spent there gets funneled out of the area and into the pockets of the Sam Walton family and does nothing to help your friends and neighbors.
Ann Landman
Glade Park, CO
June 04, 07 - Ann Landman, Thanks for the input regarding your thoughts on the organizers of the GPVFD Movies Under the Stars to purchase locally/owned merchants. I am the event coordinator for the movies. This is my third year to do so. Let me remind you that "Movies Under the Stars" is a fundraiser for the FD. The money raised at this event stays within the FD for their needs. So the cost of supplies I purchase for the event must be kept low. Yes I purchase from Sam's/Wal Mart. I have begged anyone to please come forward and help the FD with anything that they can. Door prizes, food etc. My response has been very minimal or better yet non existent. If you feel you can help in this regard please contact me immediately. There are 11 movies left. I purchase supplies weekly. I do however have a set menu that can not at this point change. So my requests are set in stone for the 2007 season. I have a commitment with Wendy's and I have a commitment with Ora Wheat. I will not break these as they came to me and asked me if they could help. I am a full believer in mom and pop companies but they have not stepped up to the plate so to speak. A few have and we are extremely pleased to help them in any way possible but many, many, many more have said no politely and rudely. So please Ann or anyone else who reads this contact me and let's find another avenue to follow if it is out there.
Deb Trotter
Glade Park, CO
I am really impressed with your web site!! I have a lot of memories of Glade Park-- I attended Coates Creek School from 1945 to 1953 (back then it was pronounced "Coach Crick") My family (Tom, Dorothy, Roger and Danny Mahoney) lived on Glade Park until about 1969. Of course my favorite teacher of all time was Katherine Westcott!! I would love to make the reunion on July 14th but will be in VanCouver WA for my grandson's wedding.
Keep up the good work!!
Peggy Mahoney Hibsch
New Rockford, ND
Granny loved all her Coates Creek students. She had a special place in her heart for your sister, Dorothy Lee. Wish you could make it to the reunion, but thanks for checking in. We will have a bulletin board for greetings from those who cannot make it!
Deb Moorland
June 19, 07 - One of the first people we met after moving to Pinyon Mesa in 1978 was Fred Cunningham. Fred had been raised on Pinyon Mesa by his Spanish stepfather, Long- Nosed Pete Echavez, and he was making and cooking "sheepherder" bread on a camp fire for sheep camp by the time he was eleven years old.
One day Fred took us to help his friend Dahl Aubert drive his sheep up to the summer range. While we were walking the sheep up the mountain, Dahl found a sheep that hadn't been docked. Since he had no equipment with him, he spread the legs of the sheep with his hands, and removed the testicles with his teeth. The lamb bounded away afterwards with nary a bleet. This was quite an eye-opener for this city slicker!
Bobbi Miller
Glade Park
June 20, 2007 - Hi Deb
You asked the name of the first movie shot on the Park (or near it) I believe it was "Devils Doorway" filmed back in the early 1940's. There were a lot of Glade Park locals as extras in the movie. And by the way, the showing of this movie on a sheet nailed to the side of the Pipeline school house was the beginning of the movies being shown on the Park.
Ron Rhyne
Cora, Wyo.
Ron, That is the answer I was after. You should know, since your grandfather Curtis Rhyne was an extra. He showed us a picture of him in costume as an Indian. When we go back to scan some pictures I will get that one and post it, and put up a “Devil’s Doorway” page. It starred Robert Taylor, who also played an Indian. Betty Ann Morse remembers watching them film on the Momument.
Deb Moorland
June 23, 2007 - During the filming of the latest movie on glade park "the return" last week (which was exciting for some of us and a pain for others), it was suggested that when the movie comes out on DVD we have a Glade Park showing. Talking to Steve Miller, he indicated he has a copy of "Devil's Doorway" on his hard drive. If he can get it to DVD perhaps we could have a double feature!
Theresa Janssen
Glade Park, CO
Theresa, Great minds work in the same directions. I have been trying to find a copy of "Devil's Doorway," and also thought it would be fun to have a showing of it. If Miller's can get theirs copied that would be great. We might want to go ahead and show it, since they are still filming "The Return," and it will take a while for it to get out on DVD.
Deb Moorland
June 25, 2007 - Curtis Rhyne told us about the movie, and we managed to get a copy to show at the Fire Department movies. Curtis pointed himself out as the Indian, and also pointed out Glen Gore's sheep. Up until we showed Devil's Doorway we were lucky to make twenty dollars a movie for the Fire Department, but that night we got the greatest turn out ever! If you would like to show the movie, we'll make you a copy.
Bobbi Miller
Glade Park, CO
Bobbi, Thanks for the offer. I don't know how long ago it was that Devil's Doorway was shown, but maybe it is time to do it again, while some of those who remember the filming are still around. Of course if the Fire Dept. facility is used we need to discuss it with them. The days of $20 nights are certainly in the past. Things are pretty intense now. But maybe we could do it at the end of the regular movie season. Will see.
Deb Moorland
July 5, 2007 - Love reading the forum. It keeps me updated on all my old neighbors and friends that I miss dearly! My late husband (Terry) and I owned the Glade Park Store from December 1984 through October 1990. It was a much shorter time then we envisioned, but made memories that Eric (now 24 and just graduated from college) and I will have forever. My father-in-law, Francis Carpenter was also in Devils Doorway. Miss everyone, and especially those Friday night movies! I have some old photos of the store too, the "tornado" and some of the fires from our days there if you are interested.
Janice Scott (Carpenter)
Fountain Valley, CA
Janice, We are always glad to hear from old timers. Having run the Glade Park Store gives you a special place in that section of Glade Park history. Your pictures and personal memories are appreciated. I will contact you directly, so that we can figure out the best way for you to send them.
Deb Moorland
July 7, 2007 - Deb -
Hope you don't mind if I use your website for a public announcemment.
My wife Lisa and I just had a healthy baby boy! Our first, his name is Landon Dennis Rhyne and he weighed 7lb 9oz He was born on 7/6/07 in Jackson Hole Wyoming.
We hope to get him back to the Park sometime soon!
Ron & Lisa Rhyne
Cora, Wyo.
Congratulations to Ron & Lisa Rhyne! Send a picture!
July 10, 2007 - After reading the forum on Sunday 7/8/07 I would like to reply to Ann Landman's statements. Her article about "OUR FLAG" being stolen by a neighbor on north 16.5 Rd., leaves a reader thinking an AMERICAN FLAG was being stolen, this is not the case. The flag in question is more suited to the life style you would find in San Francisco than Glade Park. This flag flies 24/7 in all kinds of weather. I have seen this flag hanging on the pole by the top tiedown looking like a rag tied to a pole on many occasions. It was that way on Sunday 7/8/07 at 4:30pm at 7:00pm it was gone. Was it a thief, the wind or did Ann take it down? When I drove by that flag was blowing almost straight out from the pole and hanging by the top tiedown. I think everyone has a right to fly "HER FLAG". It is a right paid for by many thousands of men and women in the course of our countries history. If she has any proof that her flag is being stolen it is her duty to report it and file charges, instead of painting everyone north of her as thieves. I resent her implication that everyone north of her are thieves, but what can you expect from someone who can't figure out which side of the road you are supposed to walk on?
Also if she doesn’t like the way the movie concession is being run, why not volunteer to take it over and run it(ruin it), instead of her mouth? What in the world has Ann done to help her community on Glade Park, but cause dissention with articles such as the one dated June 4, 2007?
Finally I would suggest that anyone who has not seen the flag in question, drive by her house to see what she considers "OUR FLAG".
My flag is RED, WHITE & BLUE with STARS & STRIPES. What is yours?
Dick Schlax
Glade Park
Mon July 16 - I'd like to thank Dick Schlax for sympathizing with the repeated vandalism of our property. That was an unusually lengthy and vitriolic diatribe from someone who doesn't even know us! It's very interesting that he should speak up with such fervor... Dick says we do little for the community. Maybe we should stop picking up trash on the stretch of road that runs in front of his house (see the county Adopt-A-Road sign that says the road is cleaned by "Employees of the Family Counseling Center" -- that's us). Or maybe we should stop sponsoring the Glade Park Movies every year ("March of the Penguins" was our night). But maybe we need not worry about the needs of the community since Dick does his part to help by condemning otherwise friendly and helpful neighbors like us who simply hold a different point of view from him. Our flag has been vandalized SO regularly (and even predictably) that the perpetrator can only be someone who goes by our place all the time--a logical conclusion when you find yourself the victim of repeated property crimes in a place normally as safe as Glade Park. And the flag is not the only vandalism that we have endured. Someone has been targeting us for YEARS now. Our political signs are repeatedly run over--sometimes TWICE in the same day. I doubt that someone from town would drive all the way up to Glade Park twice in a day just to pick on us, especially with the price of gas as high as it is. Until now we have endured this constant harassment in silence, simply bearing the cost of replacing what is repeatedly destroyed and stolen, and hoping that the vandal will eventually give up and let us live in peace. But we were wrong. The person committing these crimes is someone who obviously watches our place very carefully, is deeply critical who we are and what we do, has long availed himself of frequent opportunities to vandalize our property when passing by, and for some reason has decided he just plain doesn't like us. Dick, if you have ANY idea about WHO this could possibly be, PLEASE do speak up.
Anne Landman
Glade Park
July 22, 2007 - It is my turn to respond to the angry mail about the flag (a flag, not the flag of the United States) that Anne and I fly. For me it means three things: 1) inclusion. I am a first generation citizen, my dad was born overseas. He was included in this culture and always valued that. I try to include new members of the community regardless of where they started their journey. 2) diversity. I am a member of the staff of the Job Corps in Collbran. We are given workshops on the value of diversity. Our students come from many cultures. Some of them join the military and fight for my free speech. I have a mother in law from another culture; she taught me about diversity. 3) harmony. The rainbow implies peace and cooperation. I have lived on Glade Park since 1995. I have been part of the water line crew (never used the water) and I clean up over two miles of road with Anne and Crew, our dog. We have sponsored the movie and respect our neighbors. I helped a victim of domestic violence who lived here years ago. We support the community by working on clean up day. I am ready to talk if anyone wants to express their view.
Steve Landman
Glade Park, CO
August 11, 07 - This morning at 6:50 a.m. my husband and I were awakened by the sound of something hitting the outside of our house. It made a loud crack, like a rock or pellet hitting our house at high speed. It sounded like it hit just outside our bedroom. Immediately after that we heard a vehicle accelerating hard on 16.5 Road, as though from a stop. I jumped out of bed and ran outside in time to see an older model 4WD pickup truck accelerating hard on 16 ½ Road, going south toward the Store. The truck was brown. It looked like a Ford. Empty bed, no camper or anything. Too far away to make out the plates.
Later the same morning, as we were returning from our walk, our border collie started barking at something in the sagebrush near our house. I walked over to see what the ruckus was and found a dead coyote lying on our property, between the house and the road, about 150 feet from the house. The coyote had been freshly shot in the head. A pool of fresh blood surrounded the head.
If anyone has information on this incident or knows who might have fired the shots towards our house this morning, please let us know (263-9199) or call Officer Jennifer Reed at the Mesa County Sheriff's Office at 244-3500. Reference case number 07L6025, about the continuing vandalism against us and our property.
Anne and Steve Landman
479 South 16.5 Road
Glade Park, CO
Good shot. Bad decision. I have had similar concerns, but not such a close call. These 40 acre plots are far enough apart to make it seem ok to plunk at rabbits and varmints, or target practice, but the odds are going up that there is also a house, human, horse or pet somewhere in that line of fire. The coyote was obviously the target. Whether it is part of the pattern of vandalism toward you, or a careless act, remains to be seen. It is a worry either way. And it is not that I have much sympathy for the yip-yappers. Coyote conversations have been stirring up my dogs, which interrupts sleep, and makes me wonder if my chicken pen is adequate. But I sure hope a neighbor is not aiming at one that is dead-on between him and me. Actually, he is probably cussing my dogs for waking him, and dreaming of aiming at them.
On the flag vandalism. I do not know what is happening in your case, but I have a wind sock that I try to keep in operation,‘cause I like to know which way the wind is blowin’. It is well away from the road, so I do not suspect anyone but the wind of doing new and unusual things to it. Luckily I have been able to find it when it has been ripped down and carried away. We get some serious gusts up here. It is red, white and blue, which I consider to be the most inclusive colors around. Those colors represent us all, and the principles we live by, which includes property rights, and freedom of speech. I hope that those basic values can be respected in this community.
Deb Moorland
August 12, 2007 - i was looking at the coates creek reunion form and a few things made me very unhappy. as unhappy as a polar bear in the oven yes sir. you can just call me the broad side of a barn im so red with distaste. first off i looked at your pictures, which i may add had a very bad resolution. There was one thing besides pixelation that would have made them better that is of course moi. you forgot your favorite nephew. How could you? sigh. second of all you put THANKS TO ALL WHO ATTENDED FOR GETTING HERE, AND BRINGING FOOD, AND FAMILY/GLADE PARK HISTORY, AND HELPING IDENTIFY PHOTOS: you should have put thanks to all who attended for getting here; bringing food and and family/glade park history; and helping identify photos. very unhealthy grammar for a website. and lastly you put me as "maggies son" i am an individual i am not grouped by anyone. if you would like to group me i could say roxies sister or newts great neice or some other things. so there. ps. luv ya.
Brandon Bishop
Fruita, CO
Dear grand-nephew (grand for many reasons, but also because you are my brother’s grandson): Thanks for once again gracing me with your astute 13 year old attitude and observations. I always appreciate getting grammatical advice from someone who randomly capitalizes, and punctuates (It is email usage that is destroying grammar.) And by the way, I cannot find “lastly” in the dictionary. For a down-home website like I am comfortable with the more informal punctuation (use of commas instead of semi-colons), and sometimes down right slang (ok, it’s a double standard.) Also, based upon your sentence structure, you called yourself “roxie’s sister or newts great neice,” when I think you were referring to me. My apologies for violating your adolescent individuality by defining you as “maggie’s son,” but get over it. This was a reunion and history gathering occasion. How we were related to others is part of what it was about. Ok, I’m, not a genius when it comes to digital photography. I can use some advice there. However, I need to give Tim Morse credit for those photos. They were not digital, so I scanned them in, and I accept responsibility for their online quality. One handicap I work under is that they need to be reduced to 100K to load them onto the website, and then it takes some knowledge of HTML language and extra time to make them bigger again. And if they are not high enough resolution, when they are enlarged they look like an impressionist painting, or “pixilated” (as I am sure you know.) I do not mind having really dumb mistakes pointed out, though I have usually discovered them by then. If I insisted on having a perfect, professional level website, this thing probably wouldn’t exist. It is evolving. p.s. luv ya back!
To the rest of you: In case you cannot tell, Brandon and I have a mutual aggravation society, which we greatly enjoy. It actually started with the nieces and nephews in his mom’s generation, but Brandon has a special genius for it.
Deb Moorland
August 16, 07 - Hi Debra,
I was on your web and found it really interesting, and soft and easy on the eyes if that might be a way to describe it. I read the story about the deer, and don't find it hard to believe. My uncle once captured a deer after it swam the harbor in front of his house in the country (East Petpaswick, Nova Scotia). It was late in the winter and the deer was all-most done in. He kept it in the barn for a few days until it recovered, and than let it go. I was also surprised to see a mention of "Nova Scotia" in your blog. This is the province in Canada that I'm from. Have you any questions. It is a pleasure to be a link partner. I all so found it extraordinary that you would do a page on grave yard memorials. You did a great job, and I'm impressed.
Joseph Lewin
Nova Scotia, Canada
August 18, 2007 - Joseph, Thanks for the good words on the website. I have tried to keep what they call the “look and feel” of it low key and comfortable, to fit the subject matter. The deer story is popular, and there seems to be a consensus that it is authentic.
I have to say I am stumped about your finding mention of Nova Scotia on, and yet there is a family connection. My mother’s maiden name is Westcott. Her grandfather, John Wyle Westcott, was born in Gasperoux, Nova Scotia in 1848. He was one of the thundering herd attracted to the San Juan Mountains by tales of gold and silver. On September 9, 1877 he was married to Jesse Fremont Pollock in the fourth wedding ceremony to take place in Silverton, Colorado. Westcott relatives who returned to do family research in Nova Scotia found that Westcotts are still on the family land there. If you come across any Westcotts tell them howdy for us. Happy to exchange links with you.
Deb Moorland
August 29, '07 - We're RAISING THE ROOF! On the Glade Park Community Services Building, Sat./Sun September 8-9th 2007. We are still short at least $800 for materials and are hoping for monetary donations to help make up the difference...PLEASE! We are still in need of volunteers with construction experience to help out those two days for any amount of time you can spare! I am in the process of putting together food so we can at least feed the crew! So if you cannot help with construction and would like to help with food or over all cleaning inside that would be great! Don't forget to bring your gloves, rags etc. Also working on getting insulation donated because at the moment there is NONE and any will help. Got any left over insulation you want to donate? Hope to see lots of smiling volunteers at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and/or Sunday Sept. 8th or 9th! Thanks!
Also, regarding the 4H club. Their silent auction fundraiser at the GPFD was a great success! They were able to raise $419. Their previous years donations have been to purchase a set of portable scales, which was also possible because of a nice donation from the MC Sheriffs Possee. They also purchased a set of clippers to use on their fair animals. I don't have fair results yet. We do not meet again until Sept. 18th when we have our year end rap-up BBQ so I will try and get it for you then if not before.
Lynn Grose
GPCS President
Glade Park, CO
September 5, '07 - Deb, just wanted to tell you that we sure are enjoying the newsy stuff you are posting. You are doing a great job, keep up the good work.
Sherron Walton
Glade Park, CO
September 11, 07 - First of all shame on me! I was so skeptical and just sure that hardly anyone would show up to help with the roof. Boy was I wrong! Shame on me! I got emotional when everyone showed up on Saturday to help tear off old roof. We have some really great people that volunteer their time and money to help make this community what it is..A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! We had over 30 people show up on Saturday and about 15 for Sunday. And actually had several of the same guys/gals take time off their jobs to show up on Monday to finish! We actually did not get done until about 6:30 or so on Monday night. We had WAY more work than anticipated with the existing wood shingles under the asphalt ones and it took longer to strip the old one off. Everyone worked tirelessly all 3 days picking up the trash, pounding nails, fixing food, running back to town and feeding the crew. I can't begin to thank you all enough! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The final dollar amounts have not been totaled, but I think it will work out in the end, thanks to some generous donations! As we were finishing up last night we decided a party was in order. So at our next board meeting in October we will set the date and I will contact all the volunteers so that we can celebrate! We are now looking forward to painting, maybe some storm windows and some new plumbing. Then our community building will be in great shape!
OH! by the way...Alpine Insulation graciously donated to blow-in insulation in the ceiling area to bring our "R" factor up where it needs to be! YIPPEE!
Lynn Grose
GPCS President
Glade Park, CO
Pictures of the Roof Raisin'
September 17, ’07 - Hello, this is a nice site and very timely for me. I drew an Elk tag in Unit 40 for Oct and would love some info. Do you know of any registered guides in the area? Is there a place in Glade Park to park a self contained travel trailer and plug into electric? Do you know if any of the ranchers allow trespass for a fee for elk hunting on their property. I am a very safe and responsible hunter and will be there with my wife for 5 days and would love to get to know some "locals". Thanks for any info you can provide me.
Dave Savelsberg
Colorado Springs, CO
September 28, 07 - Deb,
Thanks for the forwarded message. Hope your fall is going good. I hope to be sending you more pics soon but have been very busy shipping cattle and getting things ready for winter.
Thanks again for the great website, I can't thank you enough for giving me a window back to the Park. I was going to ask, are you active with the Comm. Services? I ask because I have not received a news letter in a long time. Can you tell me who I need to contact to get past letters and get current ones as well? I don't think my subscription has expired but if it has I definitely want to renew. Thanks again!
Ron Rhyne
Cora, Wyo.
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