Glade Park & Piñon Mesa
Fire News
If you have additional information, or information that is more current, please send an update! (See link below)
We try to stay up on any Glade Park activity, but may not be current. Links are also provided below, so you can also follow the official sources.
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Current Activity:
Check for current fire bans and restrictions
2012 Fire Season
Time to Start Taking Extreme Precautions
Posted: 10:52 PM Jun 14, 2012
Reporter: Brian Shlonsky
Email Address:
"Glade Park has two areas at high risk for wildfire.
On the Western Slope, patrols also have been sent out to find high risk areas. Mesa County has sent teams up to Glade Park, finding two areas that they found to be high risk...
This area, we're off 21 ½ Road, has been identified as one of our more hazardous prone areas for wild land fire," Glade Park Fire Chief Rich Trotter said. His team is made up of volunteers, who will most likely be first responders to a disaster in the area…
"A lot of the driveways are narrow, and would be difficult to get trucks up to protect structures," he said. "Because of the amount of homes up here, we've got a pretty heavy fuel load, there's areas that are heavily timbered”…
Another reason Glade Park is called a high risk area is because of the low moisture content in some of the fuels, where branches are already turning brown...
In a worst case scenario, and evacuations are ordered, Trotter says a few hundred people could be forced out of their homes, and numerous structures would be in danger.
Firefighters say miles, without any break in the trees, also creates a problem, because the trees could then continuously carry a fire."
For complete story see link below (as long as it lasts)
Glade Park High Risk for 2012 Fire Season
It is much easier than you realize...
Past Fire Log

Photo: September 15, 08 - 8.4 Rd.
This is in no way a complete record of the activities of the Glade Park Fire Department.
9/15/10 - The smoke coming from the West is being created by a fire in Utah. I checked with GPVFD and there is no activity in the Glade Park area.
Posted: 3:57 PM May 18, 2009
Last Updated: 5:19 PM May 18, 2009
Reporter: kkco
Email Address:
Fire fighters are battling a fire in Glade Park.
The Grand Junction and Glade Park Fire Departments along with the Bureau of Land Management and the Mesa County Sheriff’s Office are on scene.
The fire has destroyed a trailer. The owner of the trailer tells 11News that she lit a propane powered refrigerator and then walked away. Moments later she noticed smoke coming from the trailer and then trees and brush caught on fire.
No word on if the fire has been contained yet.
September 23, 2008
Update: 10:00 a.m.
Lee Ann Loupe
Public & Legislative Affairs
Forest Service
On call as the Regional Fire Center public information spokesperson.
(Response to an inquiry that was placed on 9/21/08, for information on this fire.)
Ms. Loupe stated that this fire was on the Colorado/Utah border, near Spring Creek, south of DS Rd. She also said that it was near Hog Back Mesa. It is called Spring Canyon Fire (because there has already been a Spring Creek fire.) As of the time of our conversation the fire involved 50 acres, and was contained, but not controlled. Twelve smoke jumpers were flown in on Monday. BLM engines remain on the fire. It is believed that the fire was started by lightning on Saturday night.
email from Deb Trotter
Posted: Tue 9/23/08 5:19 a.m.
"Two members of the GPVFD stayed on the fire Sunday night and returned home Monday night. BLM stayed on for a second night. All should be contained by today. The fire was not at the DS/5.7 Road as reported but along Spring Creek on the Colorado side on BLM land."
Thanks to all agencies involved for another job well done!
Deb, thanks for the update. I tried yesterday to get through to the public information person at the Fire Center for details, was referred to a person on call, and never got a call back. Not reassuring.
September 22, 2008
email from Deb Trotter
Posted at 10:30 AM
"Crews were out all night. I went looking this AM and did not see any smoke but saw more crews going in."
Thanks, Deb. Unfortunately the wind is whipping up today.
September 21, 2008
email from Deb Trotter
"The GPVFD was paged out around 4 pm today for a fire on DS Road. The location is approx. at 5 7/10 Road.
The planes are flying over the area also."
5.7 Road is also the Beiser Road, just east of Coates Creek.
September 15, 2008
There is currently a fire here on Glade Park. I am told it was reported about noon. It is said to be near "the Canal Road" or 8.4 Rd., in the vicinity of the Lawson cabin. I am trying to get more information, and will post it when I do. If anyone has any more current info please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.
UPDATED: about 6:00 p.m.
Josephine Lawson called from their cabin, and said that the fire is still on top of the mesa, south-east of their cabin. They were allowed to go in to their place. They have seen an airplane and smoke jumpers. At this time the wind is staying calm and it looks like the fire fighters are making progress.
UPDATED: 6:45 p.m.
Information provided by Lee Ann Loupe
Public & Legislative Affairs
Forest Service
On call for the Regional Fire Center
Ms. Loupe stated that 10 engines are at the fire. The Glade Park Volunteer Fire Department, and Grand Junction Fire Department are being assisted by the Craig Hotshot Team. A small "seat" type airtanker is being used, and 8 smoke jumpers were dropped into the more inaccessible areas. At this time the fire area is about 35 acres on BLM land, much of it steep hillside terraine. At this time no homes or private land are involved. Firefighters are projecting confinement at about noon on Tuesday. It appears that the fire was started by a lightning strike that smoldered for several day, and finally broke into flames.
email from Deb Trotter
The fire was at the end of S 8 4/10 Road. No structures were involved. GPFD stayed on it until around midnight Monday (9/15). BLM stayed with it over night.
July 21, '08 - A weed fire in the Glade Park area was attributed to lightning. The Glade Park Volunteer Fire Department quickly responds to small hot spots like these, before they can become a big threat.
Fire restrictions
Why is it that we hear on the news that one house is burned to the ground, and another near it survives. I might be that the wind changed, but more likely, it was a difference in available fuels. Maybe one homeowner took the steps to clear a defensible space around their house, used less flammable materials (like a metal roof), or took other steps. Now is the time to educate yourself and take steps that could make the difference. Preserve your property and make it easier on the firefighters. Start by going to the Firewise website link below.
"Firewise " Information: What you can do.
These links start at the local regions and broaden out to national.
Current Incident Info - Rocky Mtn. Region
Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire Management Unit
Rocky Mtn. Area Coordination Centers
Fuels & Fire Behavior Advisory: Rocky Mtn Geographical Area
Geographic Area Coordination Center
MODIS Active Fire Mapping
Glade Park Weather Forecast
A Solution to 2 Problems!
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