Glade Park Political Contacts

Considering we are going into the holiday season it might be best to contact both Senators, at both the Washington and local offices - to be sure the message gets through to them.

Congressman John Salazar:
We are told that he has already closed his Washington office, and were referred to:

Senator Michael Bennett
Grand Junction Office:
Northwest/I-70W Office 225 North 5th Street, Suite 511
Grand Junction, Colorado 81501
Phone: (970) 241-6631
Fax: (970) 241-8313

Washington, D.C.Office:
702 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5852
Fax: (202) 228-5036

Senator Mark Udall

Washington, D.C.
Hart Office Building Suite SH-317
Washington, D.C. 20510

P: 202-224-5941
F: 202-224-6471

Coloradans, call toll-free:
877-7-MUDALL (877-768-3255)

West Slope Region
400 Rood Ave.
Suite 215
Grand Junction, CO 81501
P: 970-245-9553

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